Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Writeup: Some great people - part 2

I have come across some wonderful people in my life, ordinary men and women who had made a mark by their gestures and deeds. This writeup will be an ongoing one with additions made periodically as required.

Sandeep Gandhi

I have had quite a lot of friends. But to me, Sandeep is very special.

I knew Sandeep during my Initial Training Programme at Trivandrum. He was from Mumbai and seemed quite matured and simple when compared to most of the students in our batch. His personality made him very popular in the class. He was always forthcoming to help and take responsibilities. As the days passed we became good friends. But an amazing incident changed my view about him.

We had hardly known Sandeep for 2 months at the ITP, but when myself and 3 of my friends got posted in Mumbai, Sandeep stepped forward and asked us to come to his place. All of us were just out of college and none had been to Mumbai or had lived on our own before. So the thought of living and working in Mumbai was a sort of trance for the 4 of us. But it was at this time, Sandeep came over to the station and not only accomodated me, but all my 3 friends for the next 2 weeks at his small apartment at Dombivili. I was moved by this gesture of Sandeep and his family especially his mom and sis for being so supportive for us and I am greatly indepted to him.

For Sandeep, I pray, may God bless you with the best in life.

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