Friday, August 05, 2005

My Writeup: Discrimination at workplace...A Bengali fact??

I work for an Indian software solution provider. I tend to move from one project to another and this brings me to work with various Project managers. In this article, I am recalling a set of incidents during my work at Pittsburg, PA.

Over the first 9-12 months in the project things went quite smoothly. I had made good impact to the team and the client loved my work. My responsibilities increased and I stood upto it beyond any of my colleagues. My colleagues constituted mostly of people from Kolkata and I had some very good Bengali friends whom I had the opportunity to move with during my Initial Training program days.

The issues began with my appraisal. During the appraisal one-to-one with my manager, it was agreed to give me a rating of 4/5. But upon return after a trip back home, I was informed that my rating was 3 and my promotion which had been due was stalled. This shocked me and I had to make major decisions on rewriting the entire records that was planned behind my back. Moreover, I was taken aback when I came to know that my bengali friend in the team had received a 5. Well, i wondered not whether he deserved it, but why was I treated to an injustice when it came to an appraisal. In the next few days, as the ratings of various people in the account came up, there seemed to be a clear demarcation in the ratings. Bengali associates received ratings of 4 and 5 where as most of the non-Bengali associates received 3 and some even 2.

I did wage a lone battle and won it to some extent. But never again I would want to be wasting time fighting for something I deserve.

I wonder can a Bengali's be true friend? Can there be ethnic discrimination when it comes to them? My advice if you are a non-Bengali, please stay away working under one.

1 comment:

Badri said...

Oh! I forgot to mention one of my good friends is a bengali - Atish Banerjee! He had been my lead and later became a wonderful friend. So you need not avoid them all - ;)