Monday, August 22, 2005

My Writeup: Some great people - part 1

I have come across some wonderful people in my life, ordinary men and women who had made a mark by their gestures and deeds. This writeup will be an ongoing one with additions made periodically as required.

My Periamma

Periamma is the tamil relation for mom's elder sister.

My mom had 4 elder sisters but to me she was just the one. I am really honored to have known her. But not many in my family realize what this woman has achieved for herself and her family.

She worked hard right from a very young age, an age at which girls and boys would be free of all responsibilities and submerge in a carefree world protected by their parents. She nurtured and brought up my mom, educated themselves, worked and invested all by themselves, settled in life and supporting her daughters and husband with all her heart and strength especially through tough times of health problems and financial issues. She came out of all of them successfully. She Got her daughter married to a wonderful son-in-law and retired peacefully after performing tasks that I could simply term as 'Herculean'.

In a time where most women in India required support of fathers, brothers and husband, she stood apart, she raised all bar and stood shoulder to shoulder taking all the family reponsibilites. To her I solute.

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