Friday, August 12, 2005

My Writeup: Crime against women in the capital

It was yet another shocking incident.

These are real issues and they seem to be a trend in India's capital city. Its definitly a wakeup call to the city's Law and order. These 3 incidents of a Swiss diplomat, Univ student and now a minor girl being assaulted is very disturbing. And to add to this, Delhi police has not resolved these cases so far. I wonder how many other similar cases have gone unmentioned.

The incident makes me recall something similar that took place in the Mumbai local few years back. Where a mentally challenged minor girl was assaulted while 3 other witnesses were watching rather than take firm action against the attacker. I firmly believe its people who needs to put an end to this if Law and Order does not do it. Mumbai is supposed to be the safest city for women. But we need to guard this for the years to come as more and more women step onto the podium and start facing challenges shoulder to shoulder with men.

Hope someone (all of us) step up to eradicate this plague before it takes a bigger form.

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