Sunday, May 21, 2006

My Writeup: Reservations in higher education - A retrospective

India since her independence has adopted a policy to set aside some percentage of its Govt. jobs and seats in Educational Institutes for the lesser priviledged in the society. In 1947 the lesser priviledged ones were classified based on caste discrimination that had existed then. After 60 years, the current Congress government has stepped up efforts to increase this percentage to 27%. Apart from this, the Prime Minister also has asked private companies to implement reservations in their recruitment process.

Below are some of the points that makes me rethink whether the current Indian Govt. is really looking at growth and development.

The best way to completely eliminate caste in the Indian society is to make the people forget it. With this new policy in place, the seeds of discrimation is reharvested in the Indian society.

Many families have benefitted from the reservation policies of India in the last 60 years. These families belonging to farmers, sheperds and low income holders from various sections of the society that come under the reservations section currently have their children in good economical position. Their families can not afford good education and are now on par with the rest of Indian families belonging to the so called upper castes. Continuing the reservations policies or expanding them, would only give an added advantage to this already improved families to secure seats in Medical, Engineering & Management Institutes securing lesser marks than the rest of the students.

This not only reduces the standard of education in the Education institutes but also shows us the Reservation policy is not benefitting the most deserved - The economically backward

Whats required now for India is Reservations

Well, the reservations I am advocating strongly for, is in Junior and High schools for the economically challenged. When 25% of seats in all schools (even in Private schools) till class 12 is reserved for the economically challenged, We not only ensure the kids apart from good grooming, get a good oportunity to improve their skills from the begining, but also at the same time ensure they can compete with the rest of the kids for seats in Higher Education Institutes.

This is what I call empowering the future of India. This is what I call raising standards of the average.

I just hope the Indian Government can see this.

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