Monday, May 29, 2006

My Writeup: Youth for Equality

Students all over Northern India have stepped up protests for the last 18 days. The strike is being pioneered by the medical students and faculty. Leading technical institutes like IITs have also joined in. These young brass - India's future are out on the streets with a cause thats so dear to their heart. I could feel that the words some of these students speak in News Channels are coming deep from within unlike the day's politians like Arjun Singh and Manmohan Singh who are hell bent on bringing the reservations and at the same time promoting the division in the Indian society based on Religion and caste.

Please go to the website below for reading on the cause

They do have a Blog too.

It took the government nearly 18 days to setup a independent commission to evaluate the need for quotas in the Indian society. And even at this time, I regret that they have done it to diffuse the protests and the hospital services that have been hit severly.

Stundents have gone on hunger strikes and even been beaten brutally by the police for staging peaceful protests in Mumbai. I hope and pray for the students and their cause to succeed

"Truth shall prevail" ("Satyameva Jayathe")

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