Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My Writeup: Has the government lost Moral responsibilities?

Oh my God, Please save my motherland.

Yes, thats exactly what I feel everytime the Govt of India takes a stand in various matters that would shape the future of the land and its people.

After its 2nd anniversary, the UPA Govt, (headed by Congress), brought in the reservations, that so much divide the people based on caste. 60 years since the British left our shores, Indian govt., still follows the same method of running the govt, forcing a divide amongst its people. Gone are thoughts of moral responsibilites to investigate a better way of bringing in reservations that would be Quality centric.

Now, the Office of Profit bill. (http://www.hindu.com/2006/05/31/stories/2006053123200100.htm). Following expulsion of Sonia Gandhi (Congress chief) and few other Members of Parliament (MP), the ruling party has created a bill that would side track 56 positions within the Govt., that can be held by the MPs. The bill got passed in both the houses of the Parliament. But, the President of India did not accept the bill in its current state. Stating that the bill lacked uniformity and a standard that could be applicable to all states and union territories of the nation he has sent it back to the Parliament. This brings in great moral responsibility by the Govt., to amend it in a proper manner or withdraw the bill. But I wonder whether the current Govt., has any moral values at all?

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