Sunday, January 01, 2006

My Writeup: What India Needs at this hour?

What India Needs at this hour?

Its yet another year and this young nation with an ancient history and diversity has a long way to go. Progress never stops, with the speed at which the human mind is capable of performing, it never can. Here are the list of things India must gear upto to handle in the next few years.

1. Control Population:
Its essential to bring stringent policies that would force citizens to bind by a earning to child ratio. Minimum expenses required to bringup a child needs to be met by parents. Failing which, couples can be allowed legally to have only one offspring.

2. Education Requirements:
Urban India must force citizens residing there to have a minimum level of education. People not meeting these requirements must be forced to find residences on the outskirts. This would bring about a drastic change in the way cities could be maintained. Bringing Indian cities on par with the other cities in the World within a few years.

3. Rapid Infrastructure Development:
Indian cities lack infrastructure. Freeways must evolve fast and all cities must be linked well to Airports and Harbours with fast superways. This will accelerate investments and promote development of all industries.

4. Disciple Citizens:
A clear demarkation must be made between Civilians and Citizens. By making NCC (National Cadel Corps) training at school and college levels, By making voting a mandatory process that validates your Citizenship, By making services in the armed forces or para-nillitary or Fire services or minimum of Graduation compulsary for all MPs and MLAs. These are the ways in which common Indians can be encouraged to take to value-added citizenship. Give tax saving insentives for good citizens - not involved in crime, forgery, illegal activities, vote regularly, uphold civil laws and even with min/no traffic violations.

5. Promote Agriculture:
Agri has been the back bone of our economy, Irrigation, Electricity, Modern Equipmets, Scientific help must be made available to all states for uniform solidification of the Rural economy. Its the one thing that would continue to make the country do very well. IPOs for Agri can also be encouraged by State Govts.

These are ways we can achieve a a better life for all Indians.

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