Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My Writeup: Its time

A week ago, Urban India was shocked by the following incident:
Girl raped, killed in Bangalore

The employee of Hewlett Packard in a city which is called the Silicon Valley of the east was raped and killed by a pretended HP cab driver. Its something that cannot be forgotten or forgiven. Its not just the loss of life or the pain that that the girl and her family would have had to face. But its about the very fact that even in the most urbanized locations in India, this 'stray, one-off incident' did take place.

HP and other IT and BPO firms might tighten security, Politicians and Nasscom chief, Kiran Karnik might condemn it. But the fact that its a 'stray, one-off incident' remains. The fact that there was pain, suffering and murder remains. The fact that every woman has the right to protect herself remains.

In recent years, there are lots of equipment in the western markets that help woman to defend themselves when they are cornered in such situations. The use of tasers, stun guns and aerosol sprays are just the begining of things, coupled with self-defence tactics would help her to protect herself.

Here are the list of self-defence equipments for woman.
Stun Gun
Pepper Spray

Also keep updated on all the latest equipment and self-awareness at the AWARE website. Hope we are able to make this place safer for them by spreading awareness.

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