Sunday, May 29, 2005

My Writeup: A Chinese Colleague

Everything has a begining, so is this recent experience in working along with a Chinese colleague. I moved to San Francisco in early April 2005 to work with a leading CRM ASP. Its here that I found that I was reporting to a Chinese American. Though our initial meetings went well and we set out to make the best out of the engagement I was asked not to copy the status to his Manager. Thinking it was a hierarchial protocol in the firm, I followed it to the word.

Over the next 2 weeks I became aware of the fact that his Manager who had been responsible for hiring me was not much aware of the efforts made by my team. Some of the suggested process improvements and training recommendations were ignored as well. Moreover, I was taken aback when every recommendation submitted was displayed as a work done by him with few modifications. I realized that it was important to make a mark and ensure that the Manager gets an awareness that the engagement is successful at the same time keeping the rapport with my Chinese colleague.

2 opportunities came my way. He had to leave for a major business initiative in China which got me reporting to his Manager. Moreover the second was the presence of an Indian collegue who did not hesitate to take my ideas through to the VP. In the next two weeks, I had made a difference transforming ideas into reality. The enagagement extended to twice the time specified and we came out of it well.

In the end of it all, it was quite a learning experinece. Througout this period I had maintained a steady output at the same time initiating areas that would improve the quality of work from their own employees.

And as far as my Chinese colleague, he had no regrets and wished me to come back and work for them.

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