Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reference: eBooks from The Divine Life Society

eBooks from The Divine Life Society

This site ( has a wealth of information on Yoga and Philosophy written by various authors. The eBooks are are available for free download for the benefit for all.

eBooks Link

Below is a small list of books in the site with an brief outline of what they talk about.

  • All About Hinduism
"All About Hinduism" is intended to meet the needs of those who want to be introduced to the various facets of the crystal that is Hinduism.

  • God Exists
Swami Sivananda had brought forth interesting illustrations and illuminating logic to support his declaration, to convince even a confirmed atheist of the existence of God. They have all been brought together in this volume which is a boon to the spiritual propagandist, the teacher, and people all over the world--the believers and the non-believers.

  • Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings
The life, the Lilas and teachings of Lord Krishna depicted in a lucid and inspiring style by a realised saint. A condensed version for the busy person without time to go through the entire tenth and eleventh chapters of the Srimad Bhagavata.

  • Bhagavad Gita for Busy People
An abridged edition of the Gita which contains its quintessence for the use of students, doctors, advocates and busy people.

  • Autobiography of Swami Sivananda
An honest, forthright, modest and inspiring self-narration of the world-renowned saint and sage.

  • Practice of Brahmacharya
Deals with the subject of celibacy, sex and sex sublimation.

  • Radha's Prem
On the path of Bhakti Yoga for God-realisation.

  • Temples in India
Contains brief descriptions of the prominent places of pilgrimage in India, their location and the important spiritual legends that are connected with them.

Happy Reading.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Reference: A tribute to the great Bharatiya Samskruti

A tribute to the great Bharatiya Samskruti

I came across this interesting website. It has a very good collection of Moral Stories taken from India's history and ancient texts. It throws light into the Indian culture. Happy reading.

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