Thursday, March 31, 2005

My Writeup: A new begining

This day marks the end of nearly 2 years at Pittsburgh. It indeed was a memorable time. It was here that I first learned to drive a car, it was here I learnt to live in US, it was here that my mom visited me, and it was the very place I had made a lot of friends.

But as I turn the page today, I am moving to Minneapolis to start yet again in a group which I enjoyed working for at TCS. A group that had made me, what I am today and what I stand for in professionalism. And hence with the sadness of departing from Pittsburgh and I am looking for a new beginning in my career.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

My Writeup: Skype

Skype is the new player in the Instant Messaging market. Well, did I say IM? Look again. This little product is damn amazing. The sound quality is exceptionally good even for distances from US to India.

Based on the P2P technology, Skype has a limitation getting into Corporates for the time being since Corps consider P2P forbidden.

If you don't skype, you suck. Don't take my word for it, Just Try It! - skype